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    Position Associate Professor
    Current Department 서울대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과
    #3. Localization of an ethnic food: Effect of ingredient, cooking method, and plating on liking and perceived ethnicity of an ethnic rice dish.
    Organization 13th Pangborn Sensory Symposium. Edinburg, UK. July 28 – Aug 1, 2019.
    Date 2019.07 - 2019.08
    #2. The effect of context on consumer emotions and acceptance of unfamiliar ethnic foods: A case study of Korean foods developed for Chinese market.
    Organization 13th Pangborn Sensory Symposium. Edinburg, UK. July 28 – Aug 1, 2019.
    Date 2019.07 - 2019.08
    팔로우 추천