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    Position 겸임교수
    Current Department 성균관대학교 공과대학 시스템경영공학과
    #33. Chasing two hares at once? Effect of joint institutional change for promoting commercial use of university knowledge and scientific research
    Journal Information The Journal of Technology Transfer
    #32. Updating a search strategy to track emerging nanotechnologies
    Journal Information Journal of Nanoparticle Research
    #2. Dual Role of Data in Corporate Research on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Institutional Tension Between Innovation and Antitrust Policy
    Organization Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference*, Incheon, 2022 (Oral presentation, Scheduled)
    #1. How does regulatory uncertainty shape the innovation process? Evidence from the case of Nanomedicin
    Organization Academy of Management Annual Meeting*, Seattle, 2022
    팔로우 추천